OK Tour Canada's best Korean travel agency
Category for tour packages
Cancun Cancun Cancun Cancun Cancun
Cancun 1/5
Cancun 2/5
Cancun 3/5
Cancun 4/5
Cancun 5/5
Latin America / Mexico/Latin America

Cancun All Inclusive 8D7N

Travel area : Free time or optional tour within the hotel, Free time or optional tour within the hotel, Free time or optional tour within the hotel, Free time or optional tour within the hotel, Free time or optional tour within the hotel, Free time or optional tour within the hotel, Transfer to Cancun airport, departure
Departure dates : Contact us
Air fare is not included
More Info
Day 1

Arrival at Cancun Airport Arrival at hotel after airport pickup

*For Cancun all-inclusive tours, prices vary depending on the hotel selected. Please discuss the amount with our representative.

Day 2

Free time or optional tour within the hotel

Day 3

Free time or optional tour within the hotel

Day 4

Free time or optional tour within the hotel

Day 5

Free time or optional tour within the hotel

Day 6

Free time or optional tour within the hotel

Day 7

Free time or optional tour within the hotel

Day 8

Transfer to Cancun airport, departure

Flight ticket
Meals indicated in the itinerary description ONLY
Airport pickup and drop off
Hotel pick-up and drop-off
Not Included
Optional tours (Pay cash only on site)
Travel insurance
Other information
If you make a reservation close to the departure date, the price of the travel product may rise, and reservations close early during the peak season (April to October). If you have travel plans, booking in advance is a way to save money.
How to make a reservation
Reservations will be made upon payment of the tour fee after confirming the schedule with the counselor.
Cancellation Policy
Please refer to the travel product terms and conditions below for regulations regarding reservation cancellation/refund.
Smoking policy
Smoking is prohibited inside all hotel buildings. If you are caught smoking, you will be subject to a fine of more than $1,000.
The prices of all optional tours (entrance fees, etc.) may vary depending on the date and circumstances of the local company. *The above schedule and accommodation hotels may change slightly without prior notice depending on local circumstances. *Depending on local circumstances (flight delays, road conditions, weather, etc.), the order of the tour may change or optional tours may not proceed. *Tour schedule may change depending on arrival, flight time, and local circumstances. *Price may vary depending on high season and local circumstances. *If you do not want to leave a record in your passport when entering Cuba, please say [No Stamp on the Passport]. ★If you are coming from Korea, we recommend using mobile phone roaming.
Preparation material
Electronic passport (validity period of more than 6 months) or US tourist visa, US dollars, personal travel items such as hat, camera, sunglasses, emergency medicine, etc.
Passport/Visa Related Matters
★ It is essential to sign up for travel insurance before traveling to Cuba. You must bring your insurance certificate in English. ★ Please fill in your information carefully when filling out your Cuban visa. If it is incorrect, you must purchase it again. ★ If your flight transits through the United States, ☞ Guests holding an e-passport must go to the U.S. government e-passport approval site https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov for pre-approval at least 3 days before departure. After receiving it, you must print out the approval number. Once you have received permission, you can visit the United States for two years without needing to obtain another entry permit. ☞ If you have a US visa and have been issued a new e-passport: Those who wish to use a US paper tourist visa must bring an [old] passport with a US visa. * In this case, ESTA registration is not required. ☞ For guests of Korean nationality who received an e-passport issued in Canada: If the e-passport is a new passport without any stamps, the first entry stamp into Canada is required. You must bring your [old] passport with you. * If you already have a travel stamp in your e-passport, you can travel with just the e-passport. ☞ All travelers departing from Canada *must* participate in the tour by bringing their passport and documents for re-entry according to their Canadian residency status. * For Canadian tourist visa holders: Return e-ticket to Korea * For Canadian student visa holders: valid student visa * For Canadian permanent residents: PR card ☞ All travelers departing from the United States must participate in the tour by bringing their passport and documents for re-entry according to their U.S. residency status. * For U.S. tourist visa holders: Return e-ticket to Korea * For U.S. student visa holders: Bring I-20 form and W/supervisor’s sign. * For U.S. permanent residents: Permanent resident card ☞ Since entry screening in each country is the sole authority of each country’s immigration officer, we cannot provide assistance in case of entry rejection or delay in entry screening. Also, do not have a passport or visa. If entry is refused due to issues such as expired or imminent expiration date, this is the responsibility of each guest and our company or our staff will not be able to provide any assistance. We would like to inform you that event fees will not be refunded due to refusal of entry, and guests are responsible for finding a return flight. *If you do not want to leave a record in your passport when entering Cuba, please say [No Stamp on the Passport].
Smoking is prohibited inside all hotel buildings. If you are caught smoking, you will be subject to a fine of more than $1,000. / Vehicles and guides will be determined depending on the number of people joining on the day. / Please understand that the order of the tour may be changed or optional tours may be omitted depending on local circumstances, event time. / Vehicles and guides will be determined depending on the number of people joining on the day. / Please refrain from leaving group activities and observe basic manners. / Please refrain from making personal requests to the guide. / Please be especially careful about loss of valuables, cash, etc. and personal safety accidents. / Please note that we are not responsible for the loss of valuables and cannot provide any assistance. / Please note that a fine will be imposed for smoking in all hotels and non-smoking areas. / Schedule may be subject to change and partial cancellation without prior notice depending on local circumstances (road conditions, weather, unintentional vehicle damage or theft, etc.), changes in schedule due to injury or loss due to personal carelessness, natural disasters, force majeure, etc. We inform you that any damages resulting from this will be exempted in accordance with customary practices.
Electronic travel authorization
Information on Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) required when entering Canada: When entering Canada, Korean nationals must obtain ETA approval, which is the Canadian provincial government approval system, to enter Canada. (Excluding Canadian permanent residents, Canadian citizens, and U.S. citizens) If you are entering the country by land or sea, you do not need to apply for eTA. If you are entering Canada by air, prior eTA approval is required. ▶ Learn more about related content ▶ Learn more about CANADA eTA ▶ Learn more about USA ESTA
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