OK Tour 캐나다 1등 한인 여행사 오케이투어
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#5633 · Aug 31 2023, 11:58 · 12192 Views

‘Honest’ Rocky Mountains Trip Review

Posted by Joseph Seo
To be completely honest, I thought the trip was expensive at first and with the fact that the trip was only 4 days long, I expected nothing but a disappointment as I have never toured with this company before. My expectation of a disappointment was proven wrong at the moment I got in the bus with uncle Brian and Captain Danny. Their introduction to us were not only effective and funny, but seemed very knowledgeable. To add on, Uncle Brian seems to have the knowledge of someone whose lived in the area for 80 years old and the sense of humour of a stand up comedian. Uncle Brian not only knew the best and hidden spots for pictures, but also knew the best bathrooms to go to (clutch). Also, Captain Danny seems to be a very experienced driver who has keen eye and sense of a professional. The chemistry of those two made the seemingly long drives from a place to the other to be short and fun. Uncle Brian is one of the best guides I have seen in all my times of travelling and I appreciated their company. Thank you for your service OKTour!
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OKTOUR · Sep 02 2023, 13:35
안녕하세요 Joseph Seo 고객님

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