OK Tour 캐나다 1등 한인 여행사 오케이투어
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#4655 · Nov 02 2022, 09:39 · 15039 Views

The Best Tour with Andrew and Denny

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The Best Tour with Andrew and Denny
The Best Tour with Andrew and Denny
The Best Tour with Andrew and Denny
The Best Tour with Andrew and Denny
The Best Tour with Andrew and Denny
Great itineraries and the places we visit are memorable and breathtaking. Andrew and Denny are fun to be with and they did their job well. OkTour is the best!!! Till our next vacation!

[원문 번역]
멋진 여행 일정과 우리가 방문하는 장소들은 기억에 남고 숨막히게 한다. Andrew와 Denny는 함께 있는 것이 즐겁고 그들의 일을 잘 해냈다. OkToiur가 최고야!!! 다음 방학까지!
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OK TOUR · Nov 05 2022, 15:35

Thank you for choosing OK TOUR.
By from your review, we can tell that you had a great adventure at the Rocky.
Your beautiful photos emphasize the great view of the Rocky :)

Thank you once again and we will provide better and the best quality service next time as well.
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