OK Tour 캐나다 1등 한인 여행사 오케이투어
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#4376 · Aug 17 2022, 10:31 · 10754 Views

Amazing vacation with Oktours - Andrew and Danny

Posted by Shakti Shandilya
Amazing vacation with Oktours - Andrew and Danny
Amazing vacation with Oktours - Andrew and Danny
Amazing vacation with Oktours - Andrew and Danny
Amazing vacation with Oktours - Andrew and Danny
Amazing vacation with Oktours - Andrew and Danny
We were group of 20 and we booked 4D3N trip with OkTours to Banff n Jasper national park. Our tour guide Andrew and captain Danny were amazing. We thoroughly enjoyed our trip and returned with great memories. This was our first trip with Oktours and would chose them again in future vacations.

[원문 번역]
우리는 OkTours와 함께 Banff n Jasper 국립 공원으로 3박 4일 여행을 예약했습니다. 우리 여행 가이드 Andrew와 운전기사 Danny는 훌륭했습니다. 우리는 여행을 완전히 즐겼고 좋은 추억을 가지고 돌아왔습니다. Oktours와의 첫 번째 여행이었는데 다음 휴가에서 다시 선택할 것입니다.
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