OK Tour 캐나다 1등 한인 여행사 오케이투어
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#4360 · Aug 15 2022, 12:19 · 8724 Views

The city tour

Posted by 미래 수상
The city tour
It was very fun learning about history while also being able to see the historical buildings/areas. This added more depth and meaning into the tour and I was able to understand the topics better. It was very reasonable times and i didn't get fatigued because he took the time for us to sleep. If we were not asleep then we were educated by him. He keeps talking about the interesting things that we will see and or seeing. He had a lot of passion and that passion really made the tour a lot nicer. He also suggested some good foods. Overall, he was a great guide and it contributed to a better experience with the tour. I thank him for all he has done. :)

[원문 번역]
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