OK Tour 캐나다 1등 한인 여행사 오케이투어
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#214 · Aug 08 2022, 20:41 · 611 Views

Rocky tour with amazing Andrew and Danny :)

Posted by Mariana
Rocky tour with amazing Andrew and Danny :)
This is the first time I have done a 4 day tour and I gotta say these days were incredible. Beautiful places to see, fun activities to do, the crew was amazing. The places we visited were stunning. Lakes, rivers, mountains, etc. Everybody should have the chance to visit at least once all these places.

During these days I made new friends and by the last day I felt we all became a big family.
I am grateful we had Andrew as our tour guide. He made the trip fun and enjoyable. He always cared about all of us. Danny driver was great too, being very knowledgeable about the road and driving smoothly all the way. Thank you so much to both of you guys. You made this trip unforgettable!

I will definitely choose OK! tour for my next trip and I hope I can be enough lucky to have Andrew as tour guide again. Kansahamnida! :)

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