OK Tour 캐나다 1등 한인 여행사 오케이투어
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#185 · Feb 15 2019, 13:36 · 3203 Views

Aurora, the Best Gift from the Heaven!

Posted by 한별
Aurora, the Best Gift from the Heaven!
Aurora, the Best Gift from the Heaven!
Aurora, the Best Gift from the Heaven!
Aurora, the Best Gift from the Heaven!
Aurora, the Best Gift from the Heaven!
I went to the Aurora Tour, the best gift from the heaven, through the Ok Tour company in early February.
Like the reputation of being in the poles, Yellowknife was at its extreme temperatures. It dropped below -30 degrees celsius, which felt like -50 degrees. However, when I saw the aurora dancing in the sky, I completely forgot about the cold, and our whole family stood up and looked up at the sky.
Especially, the aurora I saw on the third day was so beautiful that I had to scream with overwhelming joy.
Most of all, our family think that it was because we were able to see our children so happy seeing the aurora, the Tour turned out even more meaningful to my family.
The starry stars of the clear winter sky. The Milky Way. It was a moment when I saw the aurora emitting green and pink rays of light, I knew I would never be able to forget.
Continuing on from the aurora, we had the luck to see what we had always dreamed of with our own eyes: the sundog effect in the morning, followed by the light pillar effect, which you can encounter only at the polar regions. We cherish the fact that we could capture the very moment with our loved ones.
For the most, I would like to express my gratitude towards the OK Tour company for carrying out our trip smoothly. We will come back to Okay Tour this summer to make a reservation for the Summer Aurora.
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