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#184 · Feb 14 2019, 13:22 · 4373 Views

Trip to the Snowy Country

Posted by 김유경
Trip to the Snowy Country
From January 30th to February 5th, I traveled with my husband through the Very Good Tour. I was worried about the weather because I travelled during the rainy season. However, the snowy Rockies gave me beautiful memories that I can never forget forever. The long-time bus journey was not tiring because of the fairy-tale and mysterious atmosphere of the snow-covered fir forests; beautiful huts; and snow-covered, long rivers and lakes. The beautiful snow-capped village of Banff, the magnificent snow of Lake Louise, the Lake of Emerald, the Forests of the Emerald Lake, the fir forests, and the mountains were really fascinating. It was unfortunate that pictures of the mountains was unclear due to the climate, but it was the first time for me to see the snowfall that beautiful, it cheered my heart up. I think it was because of this reason it wasn’t too bad after hearing that I couldn’t go on the helicopter tour because of the extreme weather conditions. Thank you very much Laura from OK Tour who guided our group of 55 people, we even thought we were lucky to get you as our guide.

With a wonderful appearance, hearty voice, rich knowledge, warm consideration, and thorough preparation for the weather, you were able to carry out the tour magnificently. Hard working Laura, you sometimes wipe the foggy windows with a towel, sometimes holds a snow shovel, and in a superb photozone, you turn into an amazing photographer who takes precise shots... How does so much energy come from such slender body?
Maybe because of our guide Laura, who seems to bring us luck, we were able to pierce through the snowy roads and all our scheduled plans were smooth.
Mountains, rivers, lakes, trees, animals, pretty villages, great night views, warm meals, and the best smart guide, Laura; It was a really fantastic trip to snowy country.
But I am also curious about the summer Rockies boasting its green peaks and hills. I will always remember and write down the Rockies as somewhere I would want to visit again. Thanks to those who traveled together and the driver who safely drove through the snow.
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