OK Tour 캐나다 1등 한인 여행사 오케이투어
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#182 · Feb 14 2019, 13:19 · 3170 Views

4 days 3 nights Aurora Tour

Posted by 아름다운 7공주(미칠이)
4 days 3 nights Aurora Tour
4 days 3 nights Aurora Tour
4 days 3 nights Aurora Tour
4 days 3 nights Aurora Tour
4 days 3 nights Aurora Tour
☆ Aurora Tour (20181009 ~ 12) four days and three nights
Toronto -> Calgary -> Yellowknife
The flight from Calgary Airport was delayed so I headed to the village at 10 pm without having dinner. We had to go to the village,which took about 30 minutes, we got down to the village and got some information about the TeePee. The inside of the TeePee was warm, but I heard that even the inside of the TeePee is cold in winter. Winter clothes and shoes are usually provided, but I had to prepare for my own because I went in the summer. It was negative 1~5 degrees, but it wasn’t too cold because there was no wind. Tea, coffee, and how water was already prepared inside the TeePee. Because we were allowed a cup noodle ramyun, I ate it every night. If you go to the supermarket in the Yellowknife city, you can purchase a bland Nongshim ramen noodles. They told us that a day with a clear sky and a mild wind is good for seeing aurora. Also, it’s not particularly in the winter when you can see the aurora better. However, whether if you can get a good view of the aurora or not is determined by the clouds or the weather conditions.
In sight, the aurora looked as if it is a cloudy band. Through camera, after filming it for more than 10 seconds, with increased exposure, we were able to see the green, and only with the latest phone the aurora was captured. Without a tripod, I had a hard time taking a good shot because of shakin. First day, the aurora could only be seen through camera; the second day, we couldn’t see at all due to the cloud; and on the third day, the aurora index was high, so we could finally see it through our own eyes. Because there was a slight amount of wind, the aurora danced and it was so cool! The returning car leaves at 2 o'clock in the morning from the village, and it was around 2:30 when we arrived to our hotel. Normally the meals aren’t provided by the hotels and we had to purchase our own. After sleeping in, it was fun to see the narrow city; and it was also amazing to get a Yellowknife badge from the city hall.
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