OK Tour 캐나다 1등 한인 여행사 오케이투어
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#2202 · Jan 03 2018, 13:49 · 7298 Views

An unforgettable trip to Quebec with Brian

Posted by 조혜령
We had family visiting from Korea for the holidays and wanted to take them on a memorable trip so we decided on a 3-day trip to Quebec. The trip exceeded all of our expectations, thanks to our wonderful tour guide Brian.

Brian's dedication and passion for his job is incredible. He always has a smile on his face and makes every effort to make everyone's trip a great time. Even though he was jetlagged and the weather conditions were extreme (and at times, unbearable), Brian was full of energy and put everyone else's well-being before his. Furthermore, he is extremely knowledgeable about Canadian history and various attractions, which adds a lot more meaning to the trip. Thanks to Brian, we did not have to worry about anything but merely enjoying ourselves.

On behalf of my family (조연희, 조혜령, 김영민, 김영채), I'd like to thank OKTour and Brian for a fantastic vacation!
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OK TOUR · Jan 04 2018, 11:06
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