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#1705 · Jan 06 2017, 07:16 · 4559 Views

Quebec tour

Posted by Matthew
My wife and I went on the 3-day tour that leaves from Toronto to Montreal, Quebec City, and Ottawa. We went during the Christmas holiday. Quebec City was the most picturesque and intriguing. The snowy ambiance was enchanting, even as it made the on-foot descent and ascent of the hills somewhat treacherous. Ottawa was also very interesting for its historical and present position as the seat of the Canadian federal government. Our time in Montreal was rather short, and the city seemed rather similar to Toronto. For that reason it was my least favorite of the three. Next time I would definitely book a tour that focused on Quebec City.

While it was great to see these three cities for the first time, this tour involves a lot of road travel. So be prepared to sit for long periods in a car. Most of us used that as an opportunity to catch up on sleep. It appears that due to the holidays the lodging and eating arrangements had to be adjusted on the fly. Brian, our tour guide, worked diligently to arrange excellent new venues for each under the pressure of holiday schedules. While doing so he was also able to accommodate me as a vegetarian. We all thought the food was very good. However, I did hear some disappointment from the other tour members about the quantity of food. Brian also took many fun photos of us individually and as a group that we will treasure as fond memories of the tour.
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OK TOUR · Jan 07 2017, 14:37
Hello Matthew!

Thanks for leaving us a great feedback here on our web page with a fun photo you were talking about!

how about being there again with us next time?
I'm sure you will have a great time!

Thanks again for your feedback and we hope to see you soon!

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