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#86 · Feb 13 2012, 15:29 · 1550 Views

==Information of 6D5N Rockie/Victoria in June 2012

Posted by Norapath
Hello Ok Tour staff,

I have a few questions about a 6D5N Canadian Rockie/Victoria trip for 3 people. We are planning to arrive in Vancouver airport on Tuesday June 26th 2012 in the evening, then we will look for a hotel to stay in Vancouver. After that, we wish we could join the trip on either wed 27th or Thursday 28th. However, I am still wondering something.

1) Do we have to go to the airport in order to embark on the trip with others or just wait for the tour guide somewhere in the city?
2) Is the schedule in June gonna be exactly the same as the one shown in the website?
3) If we can eat any kind of meat except beef or broth made from beef, is it gonna make any trouble on you guys?
4) please send the detail through my email if you dont mind.

Thank you soo much for your information in advance

Best Regards

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